
Users won't need to visit search engine websites anymore

SEO experts (and their clients) search Google for site ranking. Everyone else search for answers, solutions, information. Therefore, any users expect that a good search engine serves what they are looking for almost immediately - hence most…
GPTBot AI web scrapers SEO

Why blocking GPTBot & other AI web crawlers is a bad move

OpenAI announced its support for robots.txt for GPTBot, which means you can block OpenAI from harvesting your website content. As Search Engine Optimisation specialists know, the practice is already available for years for search engines, some…
Impact of Generative AI on Journalism, press, social media and communication

Adapting Journalism to AI: The Good, the Bad, and the Profitable

Impact of AI on Journalism Artificial intelligence (AI) has shaken up the journalism industry worldwide. Newspapers are searching for new business models to counterbalance AI's impact and engage their readership. The growing influence…
Guida Completa Chat GPT-4 Gratuita

List of the Best AI Tools and GPT-4 Prompts

Exploring the World of Generative Pre-trained Transformers aka GPT Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) have revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence and natural language processing. These models have shown great potential in…
Marketing Evolution from Sales to AI and AIO

AMarketing evolution journey from early days to AI

Marketing has come a long way since its inception. The industry has evolved from simple sales tactics to complex strategies that involve understanding consumer psychology, creating engaging content, and leveraging digital channels. In this…
How AI will influence elections

AI will deeply influence election results. Wherever, forever.

Politics is still partly exempted from new concepts like marketing/propaganda automation, machine learning, AI, and quantum computing. The decisional process reminds what politicians used to do 100 years ago or more. Despite the constantly…