Event Tracking Automation for Google Tag Manager: downloads, outbound links, email, podcasts
Update: with GTM v2 many things changed. You can have a look at a comprehensive article by Simo Ahava on how to setup event tracking on Google Tag Manager.
Are you using Google Tag Manager? Great. There’s a way to automate the process of attributing GA Events to ALL your outbound links, downloads, email addresses, even podcasts and phone numbers with no effort, no further scripting needed on your code.
Here I will explain how to do it. A huge credit goes to Ryan @ Blastam that not long ago has written this interesting article with guidelines to automate the process on Google Analytics.
Open a GTM account and install the code immediately after the opening <body> tag of your website (just in case…)
Be sure to have jQuery JavaScript library working on your site (most CMS already have it, check HTML if you are not sure, it does not have to be the last version).
If jQuery is not installed… don’t worry, we can still do it (see Step 3).
Step 1: RULES
Create the general All Pages rule if not already present
url matches RegEx .*
Create another rule that I call Activate Outbound
event equals outbound
Step 2: MACROS
Create the following three JavaScript Variable:
Name: Category; Global Variable Name: cat
Name: Action; Global Variable Name: act
Name: Label; Global Variable Name: lab
Step 3: TAGS
Create two tags, one for the event tracking and another one for the magic script
Event tracking will be as follow:
(remember to add your GA account code)
The Firing Rule will be Activate Outbound (the one set in Step 1)
Now let’s add the following Script on a new Custom HTML Tag
ONLY if the jQuery library is not on loaded on your site add the following line BEFORE the main code:
<script src=”//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.2.js”></script>
If jQuery was already present on your pages then ignore the above code and proceed just adding what follows:
<script type="text/javascript"> if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') { jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var filetypes = /.(zip|exe|dmg|pdf|doc.*|xls.*|ppt.*|mp3|txt|rar|wma|mov|avi|wmv|flv|wav)$/i; var baseHref = ''; if (jQuery('base').attr('href') != undefined) baseHref = jQuery('base').attr('href'); jQuery('a').on('click', function(event) { var el = jQuery(this); var track = true; var href = (typeof(el.attr('href')) != 'undefined' ) ? el.attr('href') :""; var isThisDomain = href.match(document.domain.split('.').reverse()[1] + '.' + document.domain.split('.').reverse()[0]); if (!href.match(/^javascript:/i)) { var elEv = []; elEv.value=0, elEv.non_i=false; if (href.match(/^mailto:/i)) { cat = "email"; act = "click"; lab = href.replace(/^mailto:/i, ''); elEv.loc = href; } else if (href.match(filetypes)) { var extension = (/[.]/.exec(href)) ? /[^.]+$/.exec(href) : undefined; cat = "download"; act = "click-" + extension[0]; lab = href.replace(/ /g,"-"); elEv.loc = baseHref + href; } else if (href.match(/^https?:/i) && !isThisDomain) { cat = "outbound"; act = "click"; lab = href.replace(/^https?:///i, ''); elEv.non_i = true; elEv.loc = href; } else if (href.match(/^tel:/i)) { cat = "telephone"; act = "click"; lab = href.replace(/^tel:/i, ''); elEv.loc = href; } else track = false; if (track) { dataLayer.push({'event':'trackoutbound'}); if ( el.attr('target') == undefined || el.attr('target').toLowerCase() != '_blank') { setTimeout(function() { location.href = elEv.loc; }, 400); return false; } } } }); }); } </script>
Always save after each step taken and at the end Save a new container version and Publish – you can even preview and debug it to check if all tags are firing on the right place (or after the right event).
Is it working?
To check the implementation just go on your website, click on an external link or email or pdf download and at the same time on another browser window check your Google Analytics Real-Time reports on the Events section. You should see, after a few seconds, your event correctly appearing. Later, Events will be properly recorded also under GA Content section and you can create any kind of report/advanced segment/goal with them.
Important: to make it work you need jQuery library to be loaded before the above mentioned scripts. So if you don’t have it, download, load on your server and call in the header section. Or you can still avoid this implementation and manually tag each single link/download the old way.
A note: you can change name of variables, rules, tags and macro, but consider to adapt the whole implementation accordingly.
Why it is useful
For example you can measure how many downloads of a pdf enrolment form or clicks to an external website that does not have multi-domain tracking.
The good point of such implementation is that you don’t need to hardcode anything on your pages/posts: it magically does the job for you. It’s been tested on WordPress but it should work on all CMS.
Find out more about GTM…
Update: October 2013
New system to automate tracking all links and form buttons through GTM has been launched. In my view it’s a bit more complex than the above solution, and it needs more work to distinguish between different elements (e.g. a pdf from an outbound link), but it’s the new standard. Detailed post by Lunametrics here or by Justin Cutroni here.
hi, thanks for sharing. but i have a problem.
When i try to create version i take this error message,
type:invalid template
location: active outbound (this is my custom html tag name)
description:Invalid HTML, CSS, or JavaScript found in template.
Hi Seref, have you checked in case it’s a problem of text formatting? You might try with a plain text editor like Notepad.. being the text in Italic when you copy it changes
Actually i use notepad++ but i will try again.
Ok. Please consider that hyphens have to be ” and not ”
Hi Paolo
I just get the ‘Invalid Template’ also
Can you give me an example of what is meant by
Please consider that hyphens have to be ” and not ”
Thanks 🙂
I see.. Sorry John, for some reasons when pasting the code here in the post, some HTML tags ended up in the script so clearly it couldn’t work on GTM. Now it should be ok.
Same problem as John, I copied code into notepad, then into GTM but getting ‘Invalid Template’ error… any idea what’s causing this?
Hi Rob, for some reasons when pasting the code here in the post, some HTML tags ended up in the script so clearly it couldn’t work on GTM. Sorry, now it should be ok.
Hi Paolo,
thanks for the useful information!
In the same way you track outbound links, you can track also email, download, telephone? Because in the script code we past into the Custom HTML Tag, already there are these events.
We have only to set a new rule to fire each event?
Hi Fede, sorry for a late reply. The custom HTML includes a large variety of events so no need to set up a rule for each event.
This procedure needs just two rules: All pages for the Custom HTML and event=track (or whatever you call the event) for the GATC event tracking. I hope it helps.
Paolo, great post. However I don’t see any events in my GA. I noticed that if my rule “Activate Outbound” contains “outbound” it never fired in GTA debug mode. However if I changed this rule to contain “track” it does fire, but alas still does not show up as an event in GA?
Thanks Mike !
Hi Mike, sorry for a late reply and thanks for your comments. I reckon that there was a mistake in my code.
To make it work the Rule “Activate Outbound” has be “event = track”, not “event = outbound” as shown in the image. I’ll amend the post asap.
Thanks again.
Wow. Five Google Analytics codes, a GTM and Floodlight tag. You must be a fan Paolo 🙂
Hi Paolo, your post is invaluable. It’s the only one I could find with a walk-through on Event tracking via Google Tag Manager, but it’s very well done too.
I ran into one issue and I can’t figure out what’s causing it. When I use GA Debug for Chrome to view the Events, they are being passed with an account ID of UA-XXXXX-X (see attached screenshot). I’ve quadruple checked each setting in GTM but can’t spot the problem and the Events are not registering in GA.
I’d appreciate any help!
great news by Justin Cutroni
(but I think that the procedure shown in this post benefit of a faster implementation and more detailed results)
Paolo, what’s in your opinion the most effective way to track outlinks these days? I’m running a site with plain GA, but thinking of adding GTM to do that in a more painless way. I remember you saying, probably 3 years ago, that the click listener attribute had been surperceded with the last more robust GTM versions.. is that still the case or is there any other more efficient method to do that? the goal is to track outbound affiliate links effectively