
Research on Political polarisation by social media Facebook

The News We See: How Facebook Fuels Political Polarization

Research published by Science reveals ideological "echo chambers" on social media Facebook (Meta) has transformed how we get news and information. According to self-proclaims by Meta Inc., over two billion users and counting - or better profiles,…
A paywall news website

How to remove paywall sources from Google News

TLTR: Try this Chrome extension - it's not guaranteed that it works for all websites or that it remain available in the future. The paywall is a tool to restrict access to users who have paid to subscribe to a website. In recent years…
Google giornalismo

E' Google il miglior giornalista 2013? La rete supera la fantasia, e la stampa

"Uno stimolo a cercare una strada che accomuni le esigenze dei nuovi mezzi di comunicazione a quelle del giornalismo più autentico". Con questa motivazione  la giuria del premio "È giornalismo" 2013 ha conferito il riconoscimento a Hal Varian,…