La tavola periodica del Content Marketing (scarica gratis l'infografica)
Digital MarketingDopo la SEO e Google Analytics, è giunto il momento del Content Marketing. Ultimamente le tavole periodiche sono davvero di moda per fornire una panoramica (quasi completa) di importanti settori del digital marketing.
Chris Lake ha…
The periodic table of Content Marketing: free infographic download
Digital MarketingYAPT! (=Yet Another Periodic Table!)
After SEO and Google Analytics, it is time for Content Marketing. Recently periodic tables have become a very fashionable way to provide an (almost complete) overview of digital topics.
Content is king…
Google Analytics under a chemical perspective: the periodic table (free pdf download)
Digital MarketingCan periodic tables be considered infographics? Whatever your answer is, what I am going to present here reminds me of the SEO periodic table published some time ago (and constantly updated).
It is an useful overview that can help beginners…
Event Tracking Automation for Google Tag Manager: downloads, outbound links, email, podcasts
Digital MarketingUpdate: with GTM v2 many things changed. You can have a look at a comprehensive article by Simo Ahava on how to setup event tracking on Google Tag Manager.
Are you using Google Tag Manager? Great. There's a way to automate the process…