
GPTBot AI web scrapers SEO

Why blocking GPTBot & other AI web crawlers is a bad move

OpenAI announced its support for robots.txt for GPTBot, which means you can block OpenAI from harvesting your website content. As Search Engine Optimisation specialists know, the practice is already available for years for search engines, some…

Top SEO tools by Google Search Volume Growth: the status in 2020

Exploding Topics by Brian Dean analyzed Google search volume growth for the most well-known SEO tools between 2014 and 2019. Here the full findings. Here's the ranking of SEO Tools based on Google search volume growth over the last…
A paywall news website

How to remove paywall sources from Google News

TLTR: Try this Chrome extension - it's not guaranteed that it works for all websites or that it remain available in the future. The paywall is a tool to restrict access to users who have paid to subscribe to a website. In recent years…
digital marketing

Countdown to Chrome warning for non-https websites

HTTPS is a secure protocol that helps defend your visitors' info by encrypting knowledge traveling between the internet browser and the server. Google AdWords already recommends (and in some cases, requires) that every one URLs use the…

SEO: 8 top ranking factors for Google in 2017 [infographic]

The Google algorithm keeps on changing regularly, making life harder and harder for SEO experts. Some people assume that SEO is dead, but in fact SEO is alive more than ever. Simply, the old way of doing SEO is dead, or at least it's not bringing…
Google Universal Analytics UA

Did you know Google+ Ripples? It helps you monitor shares of a post on Google Plus

UPDATE: Google+ Ripples has been terminated on 20th May 2015.   Last 20 January, the Google webspam team leader Matt Cutts posted about decay and fall of guest blogging for SEO. Whatever he says in his blog sound like the Bible for…
Google giornalismo

E' Google il miglior giornalista 2013? La rete supera la fantasia, e la stampa

"Uno stimolo a cercare una strada che accomuni le esigenze dei nuovi mezzi di comunicazione a quelle del giornalismo più autentico". Con questa motivazione  la giuria del premio "È giornalismo" 2013 ha conferito il riconoscimento a Hal Varian,…
Google Databoard

The continuing r-evolution of Google services/tools and its benefits for the marketing industry: Think Insights & Databoard

Marketing paid services are struggling against the fact that Google offers the same tools at no cost. From analytical tools to tag management, from videoconferences to market researches, Google is offering to business a wide range of fundamental…
New screen for GA Goals set up

New Conversion Goal setup interface on Google Analytics

Many people do not set up Goals on their ##google Analytics account. That's a shame, because despite not having an ##ecommerce website, Goals help them to 1) deep dive into the most challenging side of the analytics world (where the magic rule…
Google Universal Analytics UA

How to track each Google country search engine on Universal Analytics

  Have you tested Universal Analytics by Google? If you haven't (yet), just create a new free GA profile and you will now have the option to choose between the old and the new route - which not surprisingly is still in beta. You will…