Upload campaign cost data into Google Analytics: a new free tool available
Importing click and cost data for non-Google search engines and campaigns into Google Analytics allows to compare performance data for Google and non-Google campaigns.
OWOX, a #Google Analytics Partner, has created a free add-on that helps you quickly and easily import data from Google Sheets into Google Analytics. It is not the first tool for this scope, but it’s worth mentioning because it is free and easy-to-use.
Here are few simple steps to take to see your non-Google campaign cost data (for example Facebook Ads, Twitter, Linkedin or Bing Ads) into GA Views.
Here is a step-by-step guide:
- Create a Cost data schema on GA
- Download the schema (Excel template) as guidance. A typical format is:
ga:date ga:medium ga:source ga:impressions ga:adClicks ga:adCost ga:campaign ga:adGroup ga:adContent - Export cost data from Facebook Ads
- Install the Google Chrome Add-On, it will be available on Google Sheet (you need to access with a Google account that has been granted GA editing rights)
- Copy and past FB cost data into Google Sheet making sure that it matches columns of the GA schema (point 2)
- Start the Add-On from the menu and upload
Once done, cost data will be visible under GA / Acquisition / Cost Data enabling interesting business metrics.
Two final notes:
If something goes wrong data can be re-uploaded, they will be overwritten.
The cost data has to be daily, and the format of its first column (date) needs to be yyyymmdd.
Last but not least, a perfect correspondence between Facebook Ads URL parameters (medium, source, campaign and content) and the cost data spreadsheet is needed to match data on Google Analytics. Differently, you will find a mismatch between uploaded metrics and Sessions. Ideally, you can add two columns for medium and source while for the others, it’s advised to use the same name both in the URL parameters and in the FB Ads level (for example Adgroup matching Ad set).