Google Analytics under a chemical perspective: the periodic table (free pdf download)

periodic table of google analytics
Can periodic tables be considered infographics? Whatever your answer is, what I am going to present here reminds me of the SEO periodic table published some time ago (and constantly updated).
It is an useful overview that can help beginners to spot whatever has not been considered into their work/analysis/knowledge. 
Have a look at the elements of such an interesting visual guide about Google Analytics main features seen from a ‘chemical’ perspective. It has been made and published by the certified GA expert Jeff Sauer @ Jeffalytics.
GA elements have been splitted into four main categories: Product, Metrics, Reports, and Features.
Are you aware of all its elements? Anything missing?

Little update – On 20th Feb Google Analytics has  redesigned its UI again. Accounts are now listed on a dropdown menu placed in the top right corner.

6 replies
  1. dlbott says:

    Jeff, what is the one book, pdf, ebook, the less expensive the better, would you suggest for someone who wants and needs to make some decent money on the net. Briefly, we been raising an abused grandchild for eleven years now and honestly it was costly for us. I became disabled and lost my 50k plus job and trying to make it on disability is starving. You make too much for food help but only enough to pay bills with nothing left over for food and other stuff lol. Don’t know how they figure that but had me scratching my head lol. Before all this happened I began to try and learn this. Had a small offering up, that is still there lol and had been writing for allot of folks who needed content. That was ok money but I was only charging penny a word just to make money that we badly needed. So at the time I had allot of people who wanted someone from America to write instead of India or phillipines that you could tell by how they wrote. I guess I could start that up again but it would be difficult for me now. It is more work than people realize and penny a word for just about any topic was a steal just for the research you had to do to write each article lol. Not sure I could hold up to do it now but I might have to try.

    So what book, ebook, would you suggest that would most help someone actually start to finish make some money on the net. I learned long time ago the only ones making those millions were the ones who got in quick in the beginning and are now teaching and giving conferences now lol… but i don’t need millions.. it would be good but i don’t live in the clouds lol… If I could just generate an extra $500 a month we would be ok and could eat. Of course the goal is at least 4 times that. You seem like I really good guy and someone who seems to know his stuff.

    Actual mentors who pick people to help get started are almost impossible to find anymore, everyone wants to be paid lol. None are making so much they have the ability to give back anymore I guess. I still believe that my goals are modest and could be reached however. So if you could steer me in the right direction I would appreciate it.
    I know you will be a grandfather one day and hopefully not have to raise them, but it will make you understand where I am coming from lol… I will subscribe to the blog so you will see dlbott there. If you could send an email with what you suggest I would really appreciate it.


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